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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  January 31, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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in this movie. >> we certainly did. we trained everyone onset. and she had a lion's share. there were no dance doubles. that was us doing a very bipolar dance. >> it was kind of an embarrassing shot in there. there's a scene in the movie which i think is the treasure of the movie. we probably don't have the clip. when robert deniro, your dad, realized that your first wife, which basically dumped you, isn't the right one, never was the right one and he has this great line with where he says she may have loved you once, maybe. but she doesn't love you now and this one does. >> yeah, that's great. and that's a great moment. when we were shooting that moment, he had tears in his eyes and we thought, wow. >> what a dad. >> when you win the academy award for best actor, i think you should show that scene. are you going to see the troops? >> yeah, we're going to go right now. we're going to show it to about 50 guys, do a q&a afterwards. >> we're going to show them the
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movie. it's the best thing about this thing. it's able to reach out and make people feel included. >> they're going to love it. >> that's the main thing. serious business. thank you, bradly cooper. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks, chris. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the obama doctrine. erasing the mistakes of the bush presidency. today, the president's nominee for defense secretary chuck hagel testified in his confirmation hearings on capitol hill. hagel was in the spotlight, but it was bush's war in iraq that was really on trial. conservativ conservative conservatives despise hegel, but
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they despise him because of the iraq war. they fear hegel because he's a warrior, a vietnam vet with two purple hearts who knows how war should be fought and should not be fought and how war should be the last resort. >> in my 12 years in the senate, my one guiding principle on every security decision i've made and every vote i cast was always this, simply this. is our policy worthy of our troops and their families and the sacrifices that we asked them to make. i saw it from the bottom. i saw what happens. i saw the consequences and the suffering and the horror of war. >> hagel seen the suffering, the horror of war up close. president obama wants him to help lead our country out of war and into peace.
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and, today, conservatives attacked him for it. >> senator hagel's record is deeply troubling and out of the mainstream. >> you continue to hold, i believe, extreme views far to the left of even this administration. >> my single biggest concern, senator, about the nomination, is the dramatic flip-flops. >> our concerns pertain to the quality of your professional judgment. >> far to the left? out of the mainstream? these republicans are clueless. this fight is really about the president's vision for america. it's about whether we should look before leaping into war. it's about focusing more on books than on bombs. that's what america wants. that's what they voted for. and the president is making it happen. joining me now is former democratic congressman patrick murphy. he was the first iraq war vet elected to congress.
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and john saltz, an iraq war veteran and chairman of vote vets dot org. >> let me start with you, congressman. why are these senators today really arguing about president bush and president obama on foreign policy? >> they were, rev. and it was like neocon 101. they were relitigating the iraq war. the iraq war that had nothing to do with 9/1. the iraq war that diverted our attention from bringing bin laden to justice and just about $3 trillion. i mean, it's time to start nation-building at home. and i will tell you, chuck hagel, today should have been a historic day because he's the first enlisted man ever to become secdef. secretary of defense. now let me tell you something, too, they're trying to make him look weak. but look at what happened in 1999. chuck hag ergs l always puts his country first.
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muslims were getting murdered. it was the worst ethnic cleansing in europe since germany. and then president clinton said we're going to send our men and women into kosovo. he's one of only two republicans to do that. the man wears his heart on his sleeve for his country. they try to dishonor him. but he, you know, listen, he's been through a lot worse in his life than given a hard time. >> john, the thing that amazed me about the exchanges today is they were attacking hagel as if there were weapons of mass destruction there and he was wrong about his conclusions on the war. i could see if they said he was wrong and he was proven to be wrong. he was proven to be right.
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how do you attack someone that got it right and you got it wrong? >> well, when you're in the hearing, the way i was today, they have this personal issue with chuck hagel. the truth is that chuck hagel was a republican. that's why our members love chuck hagel. it's why 6,000 of them sent 13,000 e-mails to the senate yesterday. he and john mccain had a very close relationship. in 2008, you know, obviously, chuck hagel had taken stances. senator hagel did not support during his presidency. guess what, john kerry breezed through. he had many of the similar veets. >> but he wasn't a republican that broke records. see, congressman, the way he was delt with by senator mccain, let me show you the questioning of
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senator hagel, repeatedly today about why he opposed the troop surge. watch this. >> let me ask you a question. the question is were you right or wrong? that's a pretty straight forth question. i would like to answer whether you were right or wrong and then you're free to elaborate. >> i'm not going to give you a yes or no. it's far more complicated than that. our war in iraq, i think, was the most fundamentally bad, dangerous decision since vietnam. in the surge case in iraq, we lost almost 1200 dead americans during that surge. and thousands of wounded. now, was it required? was it necessary? i'm not sure. i'm not that certain that it was required: >> i mean, mccain just seems not to be able to get over him. i mean, what is he talking and badgering him about? clearly, the war was wrong. clearly, mr. hagel, even though
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he was republican, put the republic over the republican party. >> that's reegt. and the american people have spoken only this in 2006 and 2008 and 2012. and, you know, my issue is is that you know, there are some folks that are criticizing chuck hagel and not being strong with israel. look at this strategically, rev. israel's number one threat is iran. iran's number one threat and the counter balance to iran used to be iraq. but because we invaded iraq, now they're buddies. iran and iraq are buddies and they're joining forces here. that was the strategic failure that they refused to admit, these neocons. they think the american people are sleeping on this. but they're not. that's w450i chuck hagel is going to get through and i think he's going to be great. >> john, in the huffington post today, you write about the hearings and you say you raise another dimension to this. you say i'm reading from the
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article. >> you're saying hagel is merely a symbol of the end of the neocon era over dominating foreign policy. >> it is the end of interventionism in a sense that you're going to see people like me with hundreds of thousands of troops in far corners of the world because chuck hagel understands that's not a sustainable policy both from a budget standpoint and a forced projection standpoint. and i think that's super important. when i had to debate the
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afghanistan troop increase, one of the last people i went to see was chuck hagel and we had been allies on the anti-zusurge in iq in 2007. he said be careful. you could put thousands of troops there, but what's the real outcome? the fact that chuck hagel is a republican, not a neocon, there's a lot of democrats in town that think they can execute neoconservative policy better than republicans. this is a real referendum on iraq. and senator mckaicain has this t of personality where he has to be right. >> let me say this, john. let me show you, congressman, what john mccain said, mr. john has to be right mccain said in 2003 about the iraqi war. >> i believe clear and present danger with his continued pursuit to acquire weapons of mass destruction and there's very little doubt that he would use them.
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>> these weapons of mass destruction were a clear and present danger to the united states of america. that's whiy we're attacking ira. >> we're going to find out massive evidence of weapons of mass destruction and we're going to find the incredible brutalities that this dictator has inflicted upon the iraqi people. >> we're going to find weapons of mass destruction. now, i don't doubt he may have believed it then, but it ended up wrong. so now how do you, on this side of knowing that there were no weapons there, sit up there today and begin badgering a man who happened to be right? >> most americans say i want people to go to washington and put the country first. that's what chuck hagel did. and because he did that, now he's getting attacked by his own. it's like a republican, republican crime right now. and it's wrong. he did. he followed to convictions in
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his heart and mind to do what's right frd the country. and they're trying to make him pay the price now. and i don't think -- i think the senate is going to do the right thing. and like i said, chuck hagel is going to be an inspiration. first enlisted member ever to be secdef. there's about 2.5 million troops in the u.s. military right now who say man, one of our own is leading this from the froent. >> that's who you want as secretary of defense and one who does not abuse nil tear power. former congressman patrick murphy thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, a tragedy touching the nation. a 15-year-old honor student killed in a chicago park. this is america's gun crisis. her mother joins us next. >>. plus, president obama is charging ahead with his second term agenda. we'll tell you why his team growing more and more confident. pu
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how about this? >> mr. gorbachav, tear down this wall. >> absolutely no. it's his old house. the right is going crazy. it has a new conspiracy theory. that story is coming up. it's a big show ahead. come on back. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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we're getting an overwhelming response to a tragedy that touched the nation. the shooting death of had
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hadehadea hadea pendleton, the bright young teenager who was shot just two days ago just days after performing at president obama's inauguration fes tefties. our facebook communities shared their grief with us. so heartbroken about this. when will it end? john says there are no words just tears. coming up, we're going to talk to her mother and try to figure out how we fix senseless violence. sentra apart and completely reimagined it with best-in-class combined mpg and more interior room than corolla and civic and a technology suite with bluetooth, navigation, and other handy stuff? yeah, that would be cool. introducing the all-new nissan sentra. it's our most innovative sentra ever. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a $169 per month lease on a new nissan sentra, plus $500 bonus cash. ♪
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hi, my name is hadea.
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this commercial is information for you and your future children. so many children are out there in gangs and it is your job as students to say no to gangs and yes to a great future. >> say yes to a great future. that was an anti-gang video featuring young hadea pendleton. she was shot and killed on tuesday. an innocent victim of gun violence in chicago. the high school sophomore was murdered just a week after participating with her band mates. she just finished her final exams and she was taking shelter from the rain in a park near her school in the middle of the day when a gunman opened fire. hadea was shot in the back and died. it's a tragedy that has touched a nation. a tragedy that has moved people from chicago to the white house. >> the president and the first lady's thoughts and prayer are with the family.
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all of our thoughts and prayers are with her family. >> just a matter of days after the happiest day of her life, she's gone. >> you look at her. you look at how shed about her future. she had dreams. >> this has to stop. we have to end the epidemic of gun violence in this country. we have to do it for our children. we have to do it for all the parents who are grieving because they've lost their babies. we have to do it for hadea pendleton and the future she lost. with all of her pain, her mother found the strength to come tonight to share with us hadea's story, the type of child she was. >> ms. cowley, i just want to again say to you how sorry i am for your loss. >> thank you, thank you.
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>> tell us the kind of child hadea was so the nation will know from her mother the type of child she was. >> she was amazing. she had a heart the size of -- she just had a major heart. she had a huge heart. she was quirky. she loved to laugh. she loved her brother. family was everything for her. she was an avid reader. she very much loved volleyball and being a majorette. it was just -- she loved life. and she was a true, just a teenager. just a kid. she didn't want to be anything more than what she was. and that was 15. >> what i mean by that is -- >> go ahead, please. >> she has aspirations for being an adult. but she was just 15 and enjoying it. i used to talk to her about these years being some of the
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best years of your life. get in there and just enjoy them. you e you're going to make a difference. he was hadiya. she was just special. >> she was excited about going to washington and being with the band. >> oh, yes. she was -- she was so excited. she was ecstatic about going to washington and the experience was amazing for her. >> what did she say when she came home? >> when she came home, she said sow my goodness, mother, i had so much fun. she was, like, mom, i saw thesighteds. she said -- she did her p performance. it's so clean there, mom. i think i'm going into politics. and i said you know what, baby, this's just the reason why i'm exposing you to different things. you need to be aware that this's more than just this. you need to make yourself available to the other opportunities out there, you
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know. she was interested in studying abroad and, you know, i had her slated to go to london, paris and dublin in march. and she won't get there. >> and the reason why i was so happy you had the strength to come, and i know it's a heartbreaking experience, we're not talking about someone that did anything wrong. not a gang member. she did ads against gangs. this was a wholesome american girl and then all of the sudden, after all of that joy, you get the call and find out she's gone. >> i got the call at work. >> at work? >> i was at work. i was add work. and her friend, who was there with her, called me to let me know what was going on. and i left.
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never in a million years did i ever dream i'd be getting a call that my baby would be shot. she didn't even like violence. she wasn't a violent type. she was -- she loved people. >> ms. cowley, i want you to know the nation is praying for you. and i thank you for coming. and i thank you for sharing with us. and, believe me, we're going to stand up in hadiya's name and try to make a difference. god bless you and your family. i admire your courage and your strength. >> thank you, thank you so much. >> i want there to be an awareness. thank you. thank you. >> we promise. we're going to keep it out front and the awareness. thank you. and we'll see to it that you get home safely. >> thank you. >> i hope that you're watching this witness the pain of parents in newtown or the pain you just saw, somehow they mustered the
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strength to come and say to the country. this is may baby. fiegtsing tears, fighting panl. this is not about republican or democrat. this is about our children. have we become so insensitive until we step over the bodies of babies to argue about things that should be something that unites a country? and that is making sure that we don't put our children in harm's way. this lady, two days later, said i want to come and make awareness. she found the strength. she mustered the courage. i hope we can stop this mad nes and restore dignity to the streets and neighborhoods of this country. from chicago to newtown, we must have the will to stop this. we'll be right back. [ mom ] 3 days into school break and they're already bored.
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nothing in life is certain but death, taxes and republicans. whining about spending. >> well, we have worked all year to reduce our budget deficit and to cut spending. >> we have got to reduce the size and role of government. we've got to cut spending. >> we'll continue to work on finding smarter ways to cut spending. >> spend less. bye. >> how about that for an exit.
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they're obsessed with spending cuts. they say spend less, grow the economy. but in the last quarter of 2012, government spending, yes, government spending fell 6.6%. defense spending was down more than 22 pnt. and how did that affect the economy? last quarter, the gdp, which measures the economy, fell 0.1%. and 38,000 more people filed jobless claims last week than the week before. this is seersz. the economy is moouing in the right direction. but we can be the take our eye off the ball. we can't just cut, cut, cut. republicans ignore the real impact cuts have on the economy. do they think we wouldn't point it out? nice try, but cut it out because we gotchya. my wife takes centrum silver. i've been on the fence about it.
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then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. i got your campbell's chunky soup. mom? who's mom? i'm the giants mascot. the giants don't have a mascot! ohhh! eat up! new jammin jerk chicken soup has tasty pieces of chicken with rice and beans. hmmm. for giant hunger! thanks mom! see ya! whoaa...oops! mom? i'm ok. grandma?
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and we're seeing president obama's vision for america play out in a big way. today, growing consensus of his pick for defense secretary chuck hagel is that he will be approved. a complete dismantling of the bush walk first policy on immigration. the president is assuming the upper hand. officials in the west wing are convinced the politics of immigration and the issue of immigration have firmly shifted in their direction. and, now, the president wants action and fast. >> i'm hopeful that this can get done and i don't think that it should take many, many months. i think this is something that we should be able to get done certainly this year and i'd like to see if we can get it done sooner in the first half of the year, if possible. >> and remember that debt ceiling hostage taking? well, today, senate republicans passed the debt ceiling extension. so you're seeing a confident president determined to carry
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out his second term agenda and it's happening right now. joining me now is nia maliqa henderson and joan walsh. >> joan, two weeks into the second term, what do you think he can get done? >> well, you know, i'm semi-optimistic about immigration reform, reverend al, although i'm starting to have a few more doubts. you know, if democrats were like republicans, they would not help the republy c llicans out and d immigration reform. but the president is trying, chuck schumer has put together this bipartisan group. but the thing that seems like a big sticking point to me is even the supposedly pro-immigration forces are saying enforcement first. and they're ignoring the fact that this president has been all about enforcement. i mean, you know it better than i do. there is some civil rights folks who are entirely happy with some of the deportation policy,
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border enforcement has gotten a ton of money and the net inflow of new, illegal immigrants doesn't exist, basically. they're acting like he's done nothing. so this clamber for enforcement first ignores the political reality and makes me wonder if people like marco rubio are trying to have it both ways. >> they're saying enforcement as if there has not been enforcement and it's really distorting the record. but it seems like nia, the president is coming up stronger in his issues and his views and his stances. new york times, for example, reports
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. >> that's right. i think i'm surprised at how quickly this is happening around immigration reform. sure, there was that huge defeat the republicans face in november. but, still, the fact that we're at a point where there was this gang of aid talking about immigration, possibly something coming out of the house, too, in immigration plan and that they're talking about immigration reform, polls show that most folks in the gop, something like 53% would like to see some sort of comprehensive immigration reform, i think ultimately, it will still come down to the house. but i think still, in the house, they probably need, you know, something like 20 or so republicans to come on board for a plan. i think the president is confident. he's got essentially a sixth man.
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on inauguration day when he looked out on that massive crowd, that's a memory that i think is sticking in his head. those are the folks that voted for his plans. and so he's going to go out into the country around immigration reform as we saw him already do. around gun control. he's got the momentum. he seems to be enjoying the job, as well. >> he seems very solid and comfortable. and his approval, rating, joan, is soaring. it's at 60%. the highest since 2009. but our folks over fox and friends just can't understand why president obama has such a high favorability. listen to this. >> unploimt, 7.8%, we've gotten used to that high number. and the stock market is going high. and, yet, consumer confidence is on the downside. but the president's approval rating is 6%. it's like he's impervious to numbers.
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>> so i asked the question las z hour, why do you think the president remains impervious to much of this news. some people said that it's because, you know, a lot of people are now in situations where they're receiving government handouts. >> oh, i'm sure everybody that answers their question are all people getting a government handout. they all get up and watch fox and friends in the morning, the handout crowd. >> they do, absolutely, reverend al. there they are again, the 47%. you know, these are the same people that didn't expect the president to win. these are the same people that on election night, they had something wrong with the data from ohio. the american people are smarter than the folks at fox. they know that the president has a very, very tough economy and that now we're climbing. we're not where we want to be, but they perceived the improvement in the economy and they perceived that he convinced them, both in terms of his solutions as well as he showed
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them what the republican obstruction was about. so people get it. >> now, now, nia malika, adding to the right's out rage, i want to read something from national review, and i want you to listen to this calmly. >> take away their spanish surnames, latino voters look like a great deal of many other democratic con stich when sis. low income households, single parent mothers on some form of welfare. i don't know -- i went to public schools, but that sounds like stereotyping to me.
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>> it sounds like stereotyping. this is sort of around the whole idea of the 47%, right? the makers and the takers, all the things that romney was talking about. all the things that in some ways, you hear some republicans pushing back against. this need that republicans are saying that they need to clean up their language and clean up their rhetoric. particularly, they're around immigration. that is something that has heard them. some republicans say this move to do immigration reform ultimately won't help republicans. i think in some ways, that's true because latinos, as well as the other folks in the obama coalition, do seem to see a more activist role for the government and that's been a -- continuing to be a problem for republicans. >> but, joe, when we went and did marches in arizona, you have wholesome latino families, middle class and some even doing better than middle class, pulled
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over because they were automatically a suspect. so this is not about people's class and welfare. this is about people's rights. >> yes. but you know, racism is appalling. and the association of a latino with low income is ridiculous. but as nia malika says, they're reelgt in the sense not about the taker part, but they're right in the sense it's not just about immigration or respect, it's also that the latino, the emerging latino population, supports a greater role for government, a greater fairness in government, they're socially liberal after yeeshs of saying oh, they're anti-choice. latinos are the most pro-choice segment of the electoral. so the democrats have won this debate on social terms and on economic terms ft not because they're takers or depep dents or any of that other racial stereotyping language. >> well, you can't hold people in a contemptible kind of stereotype and then wonder why
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they're not embracing you. you just called me every class name that you can think of and talked about my family and then say why can't you come onto me and help me become president. that's a little crazy. >> ronald reagan used to always say that latinos are republican s, they just don't know it yet. i think republicans have a lot of work to do in terms of changing the tone. and as you said, stereotyping latinos as if a, all latinos are illegal immigrants or are poor or are in menial jobs. i think there also needs to be some sort of an out reach in terms of latinos and in cleaning up the language. >> i have to leave it there. thank you both for your time.
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ahead, the new righty out rage. it involves president obama's library and ronald reagan's childhood home. and honoring one of my heroes on his birthday, jackie robinson. why his incredible courage will never be forgotten. in america today we're running out of a vital resource we need to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs
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up next, the gop is up in a tizz yet again. this time, bout president obama and reagan's childhood home. you'll want to hear this one. that's next. surprise! surprise! surprise! we totally got her! [ male announcer ] when you combine creamy velveeta with zesty rotel tomatoes and green chiles, you'll get a bowl of queso that makes even this get-together better.
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the right wing is all worked up again. they have a new conspiracy theory about this house. it's president reagan's childhood home in chicago. it's getting demolished for a
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parking lot in president obama's library. reagan's childhood home to be bulldozed. reagan's home could become a parking lot for obama's library. wow, this must be some kind of evil plot to destroy reagan's legacy. but here's a big surprise. it's not true. but here's the real reason for the freak out. the president is bulldozing reagan's policies. he's taking a sledge hammer to reaganism. and they can't handle it. let me bring in toure and patricia murphy. thank you both for joining me. toure, it seems the right is very sensitive about the president ending reaganism, want do you think? >> the right is very sensitive about a lot of things these days, don't you think? it's interesting that they're so protective of this reagan legacy because with as we know, ronald reagan couldn't get through a gop primary today. he raised taxes seven out of agt years, he was for amnesty for
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undocumented workers, he raised the debt ceiling. >> he didn't want certain weapons. he was against the use of certain weapons that they're now saying people need because they may run out of bullets. >> exactly. >> so if they don't love reagan, if reagan couldn't get through a gop primary, if reagan is to the left of the modern gop, then why don't you let us have him? obama wants to show love on him, respect im. so let us have him. >> but, patricia, ef ebb though reagan is to the left, they've made him their sill boll, like their political icon as reaganism that really, his policies have come to an end under president obama. let me give you an example of three inaugural addresses to show you the difference. july 17th, 1980, president reagan, then '81, president reagan and then president obama. and if you listen to these
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statements, you'll know the difference in policy and visions of government. >> government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds our great power to harm us. >> in this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. government is the problem. >> the commitments we make to each other through medicare and medicaid and social security, these things do not sap our initiative, they strengthen us. >> so, in many ways, they recognize that what reagan was preaching about government is the problem, get government out, has now been totally turned around by the age of president obama. >> patricia? >> well, yeah, i agree with that, actually. and i agree, also, with toure. i mean, reagan -- even reagan, as republicans paint him today, but reagan was very clear. he did not want to see government solutions to people's
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problems. he wanted to shrink the size of government that details the side. his philosophy was to shrink the government, was to starve it. and that was very attractive to conservatives and extremely attractive to conservatives today. but anybody who listened to president obama's second inaugural speech that we just heard really was the exact opposite of that governing philosophy. >> and i think that's what's bothering them. >> it's not that he thinks -- i think it's absolutely what's bothering them. it's not that obama thinks that government is the solution to everybody problem, but it is that he believes government can be a piece of the solution to many problems. and that is something that has conservatives so exercised to the point that i do think they buy into something that is such a perfect metaphor that obama would raise his childhood home. not only is that not the case,
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but they have radically different philosophies. >> but i think that part of it is just as they distorted reagan, toure, i think they distorted president obama because he's not saying government solves all the problems. he's not going to what is typically the liberal orthodoxy. but he has said government has a role in certain things ought to be guaranteed. so i think they really have both of them wrong, even though i think the vision of government under president obama is antithet kal to the vision that was supported by mr. reagan. >> i look at the modern gop as clint eastwood yelling at an empty chair and saying these are all of the things that obama is doing wrong. but you're talking to an imagined obama. and there are actual, reasonable critiques that they could level at the president and won some votes in 2012. but they didn't do that. they attacked an imagined obama. had they attacked the real obama, then they might get somewhere. let me say one more thing about reagan.
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can you imagine if obama funneled arms to iran? what would the right do? >> probably start impeachment. >> probably start impeachment. but that's what reagan did. >> the fact is that after what president obama has done has really gained the support of the american public, which is also a part of the problem the right has with him. 53% of people polled support same-sex marriage chbl. 62% support a path to citizenship for imgrants. 80% say clie may mat change is serious threat. so it's not only the president's doctrine, it's the popularity of his doctrine that is driving them crazy. >> i think that's -- i think that is true, but i think if you look at who is in the gop now, particular lif the house republican caucus, they have so specifically redrawn their own districts that there is almost nobody who disagrees with them in their districts.
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but you broaden that out to somebody maybe on the other side of their district, and certainly, the american public, they put themselves in a situation where they agree among each other, but they don't agree with the american people and the american people don't agree with them. i think until they can speak more critically to themselves and listen to the american people and hear some criticism of what they have been doing in the past, they're just not going to be able to rebuild their majority. and the house caucus, again, they're just talking to themselves. once they start talking to the american people, they'll be in a much better situation. obama has been very skilled with that. he converses with them. he's on social media. he knows who they are and what they're sayings. they're so eliminated, that they can no longer have a conversation with the american people. >> i think that's totally right what she said. and the other thing i would add to that is we're a center left nation. we keep hearing this madness about a center right nation. we are not. all the stats that you just named, plus, most people agree
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that choice should be arailble for women. you add up all of these things, and we're a pro-choice nation and we're more democrats that republicans and democrats have won the popular vote five out of six times. >> well, we may be. but i'm a conservative. i'm trying to conservative volting rights act, the civil rights act. if we could just conserve what we've won in the last 50 years, you know, women's right to choose, let's conserve these things. i'm a conservative. >> but you know we have much further to go. >> and we're going to get there, too. toure and patricia murphy, thanks for your time. by the way, catch toure on "the cycle" here on msnb krerks. . >> coming up, honoring jackie robinson on his birthday. how a legendary ballplayer became a symbol of the civil
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94 years ago today, an american hero was born. jackie robinson. on april 15th, 1947, jack roosevelt robinson put on a brooklyn dodger's uniform and stepped on the field breaking the color barrier in merng's past time. that one baseball game changed our culture forever. but it wasn't easy. in 1947, jim crow was in full force in the south. schools were still segregated and voting rights were not guaranteed. many of robinson's teammates didn't want him in a dodger's uniform. other players jeered him and even threw baseballs at his head. he was attacked byan


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